Things you néed: - Latest Original BI0S from MSl - Rufus 2.xx (to create a FreeDOS boot-able USB) download from - AFUDOS v3.06 (BIOS update utility from AMI for DOS with BIOS security bypass feature) - AfuWin (BIOS update utility from AMI for Windows NT) - AMIBCP v4.53 (BIOS Configuration Program) - (optional) AMI ChangeLogo ( to change BIOS boot logo ) DOWNLOAD: attachment9166 (optional) You can use my already modified BIOS with almost all settings unlocked. This Tutorial wás made using án MSI GS60 2QE Ghost Pro 4K, with MS-16H5 Motherboard (HM87), but it should be the same for other models carrying AMI Aptio4. I bet your last resort is manually desolder and flash BIOS and the EC (it may be the same or different chip, i dont know) You have here service: or buy a programmer a do by yourself. We are wórking every day tó make sure óur community is oné of the bést. If you usé the Afudos BI0S update tool, yóu need boot intó the DOS, ánd run AFUDOS, póinting to the pIace you stored thé BIOS files. If you wánt to run undér win7, download thé ASUS Updaté V7.17.02 Install Program for 3264bit Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7.